you ever get that feeling?

Do you ever get that feeling like, ah man i’ve already messed up so what’s the point in going back?  That is exactly what I’ve been feeling about this blog over the past 58 days.  But, now is as good as time as any to start it back up…

Here is a small catch up on our lives here in Naples: (I apologize for the randomness)

  1. Our little girl will be 8 months this Sunday!  CRAZY!!  she is growing so much.  She doesn’t have any teeth yet, but she is drooling like they’re coming in all the time.  She is sitting up very good and babbling a lot.  No solid foods yet… we think she is sort of picky like her momma!  No crawling yet, maybe she will start in texas??
  2. We have completely moved into our wonerful home!  Julia and I are planning on posting a Byler Cribs video on our facebooks sometime this week so be on the look out for that!
  3. Julia has enjoyed getting sucked into a few novels.  Her love has traditionally been historical fiction, but she has enjoyed some straight up fiction recently.
  4. Kenny read all the Harry Potter books in 17 days.  I commend JK Rowling for capturing my every free moment for those 2 1/2 weeks.  SO GOOD!
  5. We went to our first Napoli soccer game in November!  We played against Parma and won 2-0.  It was a very fun experience and we plan on going back again too!
  6. We traveled to Rome for Thanksgiving and learned how difficult it is for us to travel with a 7 month old!  We a great time, though and got to see some of the major sights!  I look forward to going back with family and friends!
  7. We found out last week that the baby inside of Julia is another Girl!!!  So fun!  No name yet, but just when we think we both like a name… we look up the meaning and it totally ruins it!!  How would you like your name to mean “ugly head”?? HA!
  8. We had a great Christmas party this past Saturday with the friends that we first made at the hotel we stayed when we first got here.  It has been great to have these ‘battle buddies’ to share experiences with.  The Harrington’s and Bailey’s have been so fun to get to know and hang out with!!
  9. This past Sunday, Julia and I tried to go Christmas shopping in downtown Naples.  It is about a 20 minute drive to get there.  When we first get there we realize we forgot to bring Madeline some food for the trip!  So we drive back home and try again. When we finally reach downtown again, we were so disappointed that we couldn’t find many tourist shops and their infamous Christmas Alley was nothing to write home about.  Unfortunately, this shopping trip was very unsuccessful!!  We didn’t buy anything!! 
  10. We come back to the US this Saturday.  We fly into Dallas and Madeline has her first pre-op appointment on Monday.  Her surgery is Wednesday.  I’ll post more about this in the upcoming days, but please pray for a surgery done well and a quick recovery for her!!

That is all for now!!  check out our facebook pages for recent photos!

About bylersintheboot

Kenny, Julia & their daughter Madeline moved to Naples, Italy on September 9th, 2010. It has always been a deam to live and raise our family on international soil. This blog is recording the journey of this dream coming true.
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